
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. It happens. I’ve been back but haven’t been able to get out fishing until today! Well, I’ve tried to get things in order around the cabin as I’m hosting the SRS Board meeting tomorrow. Between that, my sisters visiting for several days, power-washing the place and my desire to paint the drywall in the garage, it’s been hectic and a bit exhausting.

Like I said, my sisters came for a visit and I was happy to host them! We were able to get up to the canyon – both Colton Point and Harrison State Parks. While we were at Colton it was cloudy and not great for picture taking. The weather cleared though by the time we got to Harrison State Park.

The colors were starting but not at peak quite yet.

It was nice to see my sisters as I haven’t seen them since Covid-19 had hit. So I was excited to see them and show them around the area as they’ve never been to Slate Run. It was great to see them and catch up, but it was also nice to having the cabin to myself again as I had a few projects that needed tending to. I power washed the place and got relatively tuckered out by that. Then the next day I decided to paint the garage drywall that is installed as it had a mold issue this past summer. I’m relatively confident that I abated the mold with vinegar (that’s right NOT bleach – google it) on a prior trip but found out that painting the drywall may help prevent mold also (never-mind the $200 dehumidifier that’s been running ever since – but it DID circulate the air and I think ‘fix’ the issue). I couldn’t find the product I wanted to use in the area so I bought some where I live and brought it back with me. Between the power washing and the painting of the ceiling and walls the old shoulders were/are pretty tired out.

I knew I was going to host the SRS meeting and had offered to make a ‘coffee cake’. I have never made a coffee cake but it couldn’t be that hard could it? Wait a second! (sound of a record player needle scratching across the surface of a record – younger members …GOOGLE IT). I haven’t been out fishing for a trip and a half and I wanted to go. I’m not sure why but this past year seems to have been more stressful than I had anticipated. I thought going into this spring that ‘things would be returning to normal’. Well… that hasn’t exactly happened but there looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been ‘nose to the grind-stone’ for a bit so I decided to be selfish and go fishing! I went fishing! I want to thank John P. and Walt and Leighanne F. for bailing me out regarding the coffee cake and a multi-cup coffee maker!

I’ve not been one of those that think every time I fish that I should haven an epiphany and discover some great truth. But on the other hand, I do have moments where I find myself appreciating the natural world when I’m ‘out there’ (a phrase used to describe me in the past I’m sure). I think that’s as close to an epiphany as I get.

I went fishing. The result:

I only managed a couple of trout in one of my favorite spots. But this will suffice until I get back again. By then the leaves may be mostly down and interfere less with the line and leader anyway.

Not sure why the picture of the Brown is appearing like it is. But I’ll figure that out another time. I’ve got a little work to do tonight and I may run downstream to see if anyone is around.

Don’t be afraid to use an ant still, as that is what I had the most success with this excursion. I’m still seeing some smallish light green grasshoppers too.

Till we see each other again – I’m an Unintentional Blogger…. aka UB!

4 thoughts on “Visiting

  1. This comment has been edited to “protect the innocent!” I appreciate anyone who wants to remain anonymous when making comments here. Here’s a slightly edited comment that came in on October 20th:
    Nice article, especially scenic shots showing leaves mid peak.
    Yes ants are the fall patterns that produce results. I’ll be sure to provide you with some of those including winged patterns that were very popular 40+ years ago!
    The neighbor.”


    • And here’s my slightly edited reply to said comment:
      I’m heading back Tuesday, October 26. Probably get in a bit ‘late’ as I’m hauling a 5’x 8′ U-Haul back with me – bringing a washer and dryer for the cabin (along with a few other ‘biggies’ that wont fit normally). Hope you are doing well. Will give you a call here soon – before I head back. UB


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