‘Not A Hair Outta Place Fly Tying’ Presents… Friday Night Flies!


Last post I mentioned that I thought I’d get into tying some generic emergers next. Compared to the extended body parachute ties I was doing a week or so ago, these tie so easily! Less materials and they just seem to tie up really quickly. I’m just tying up a very generic emerger sort of fly/tie. I’m sure there could be more complicated ones out there but after what I’ve been tying, I thought I’d take it a little easier for a while.

I’m pinching down the barb and putting a bead on (hey, Emergers aren’t required to have bead heads either – but beads do help sink them), tungsten or brass – whatever strikes my fancy, then either tying some wire to match the bead, or not, dubbing a abdomen and spiraling the wire over the dubbing (if you even want to use wire – it’s not required!) up the hook shank till about 1/8” off the back end of the bead and tying that down. Then I’m either using a hen hackle I got at Phil Baldacchino’s Kettle Creek Tackle – or a Whiting Brahma ‘shoulder’ sort of feather (bought from Slate Run Tackle) for the soft hackle part of the tie. A little more dubbing, if I feel like it, just behind the bead and…

Not the first tied but, the first ‘version’ of what was tied this session.

I started with a tungsten bead on the first 5 or 6 and didn’t bother with any wire. then added some wire to a few. So the first version was looking more like the following:

First tied this version.

These were tied on size 12 TMC3761 nymph hooks. So they are a more heavy wire to begin with – the added tungsten bead should be enough to get them down hopefully without having to add a split-shot to the line. But if I have to, it’s not the end of the world – there are worse things that could happen.

I had left my beads at the cabin so I’m limited to what I have on hand before my new order of them get here. I figure I’ll tie some copper bead with copper wire ribbing, brass/gold with gold wire, etc…

I have some dark wine colored wire that I want to tie a few incorporating it – just to see if any decent sort of trout would be caught with such.

This last one I where I used some colored wire – I thought it was a wine/burgundy sort of shade but it might have been more of a purplish sort. I went and got a wine colored sharpie and colored the bead before I coated it with a water based Loon head cement. I think this sort of head cement has a reduced chance of making the marker color ‘bleed’.

Think I’ll tie some with a dirty yellow and ribbed with a dark wire… next. Yep, I’m thinking March Browns but maybe I should be focusing on a Hendrickson version too. They’ll be coming on strong here soon!

If you have any flies or pictures of flies you want to send me – shoot us an email at slaterunsportsmen@gmail.com and I’ll get pictures posted ASAP.

Whatever version of fly you tie, the time of year is almost upon us to start hitting it hard and visiting our special places. Hopefully this year we may be able to visit a bit more without being as concerned about the Covid-19 issue. Just my opinion, we’re not quite there yet, but we’ll get there soon I hope!

Till we see each other again….UB

4 thoughts on “‘Not A Hair Outta Place Fly Tying’ Presents… Friday Night Flies!

    • I’ve fished something very similar looking without the bead many years ago up the runs and then with the bead more recently here in Michigan. I can’t say I caught fish hand over fist but they worked. Thanks for asking Dale! UB


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