There’s No Fish In The Runs … ;)

I’ve heard this crying out call for many years. And there are even a few years when it is true. But the habitat where Slate and Cedar exist is just too ideal to not see trout thrive. I’m not ignoring that predation can affect trout population – it certainly can. I’m not blind to realize that extremely cold winter’s can cause anchor ice that will scour the runs and change, if not ruin, year classes of fish in the runs. But having said all this, I know that the runs hold fish, even when we don’t see them.

This year might be an exceptional year for the area streams. I have a friend (yes I do) who fishes the area streams – Harry. He is an excellent fly fisherman. I bought my first graphite fly rod from him back in the mid 1980s. Early on, in our relationship, he invited me to fish with him which I took advantage of right away. I’m so glad he invited me to fish with him as he’s made me a much better fisherman as a result.

So, he’s been fishing several times this spring, and now summer, and has been having good success. He reports that there were many fish sighted and several caught on his last outting – in an ‘area stream’.

One of the SEVERAL Browns caught… yes, in an area stream.

There were a few caught in the class of the one pictured above. Then there were ones that were somewhat smaller. I think Harry said he got a decent Brookie even. They were caught on something that rhymes with ‘screen meanie’ … 😉 !

If this report seems too cryptic I apologize. It’s the fisherman coming out in me. Don’t give away the store so to speak, but let people know that ‘there are no fish in the runs’.

I’m returning to Slate Run this Sunday. I hope I get a chance to gain some first hand knowledge of ‘the area streams’.

Remotely reporting from an undisclosed bunker in a mid-western state (with reliable reporting from the actual location) … I’m UB

4 thoughts on “There’s No Fish In The Runs … ;)

    • Well Blaine, if you do, (and I haven’t checked this out with Rivertop Rambles yet) I feel compelled that someone could show you around the block so to speak. It is extremely tough fishing right now as the water levels are so low that drifting flies is a challenge – dry OR wet. In the spring and fall that might be a better time when to try these challenging waters. Just keep that in mind. take care Blaine – …… UB


  1. “There’s no fish in the runs; nope, something got ’em, don’t even bother trying…” If that ploy doesn’t work, we can still be thankful that the runs aren’t inundated with whiners who complain about the “challenges” there… Populations can fluctuate wildly for whatever reasons but these are wild fish (other than the summer visitors from Pine) and they require that an angler know the where & when & how to fool them. Just don’t let the poachers know about that “dream weenie” fly, or whatever it’s called.


    • ‘Screamin’ Meanie’ …wait, isn’t that a Beatles reference? There’s a delicate balance between reporting on what is available and saying too much. I try for that balance and hope I don’t attract too much attention in the process (not TOO much, just a little for those that truly appreciate the place). UB


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