Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

“Well, by the time that I write this and it gets posted I can safely say IT’S OVER! Sorry about this folks but mayflies don’t wait! I thought there’d be a repeat show on Tuesday, 6-4-2024, in the evening – but that was not going to happen apparently. So on June third there was tremendous activity of fish rising which manifested itself as a feeding frenzy. If you had the tie that simulated what they were on to, you caught some fish, if you didn’t have it – you were ignored by the thousands of fish present for the banquet.

It was the general consensus that it was Blue Winged Olives that were on the menu.”

This is how I started out a draft post that I tried to write a few days ago! And the FOLLOWING IS what I’ve actually observed over the past few evenings… SPINNERS!

Fishing spinners has gotten results – at least over the past two evenings (6-8 and 6-9). I was pretty sure two evening’s ago that a BWO spinner in a size 18 or 20 would have been the ticket! Did I have any…. ahhhh… not quite! But I did manage to catch a few in spite of my shortcomings! I also thought that spinners would be a one shot and DONE sort of deal. It seems that my thinking was incorrect! Imagine that! Spinners have been the ticket right before dark over the past two evenings! And olive spinners seem to be the ticket! Sizes vary from 14 -16 to 18-20 I’d say. However, I have been fishing this ‘Yellow Fly’ for several days and I’m expecting a ‘Yellow Fly’ spinner fall any evening now. That should draw the attention of the big Brown Trout Club fish’s attention!

What I’m calling ‘The Yellow Fly”… (and please , if anyone has a positive identification for this fly, please share it with me/us in the comments – thanks – UB)

I tied something that imitated this fly and had relatively good success with it. The hatch seemed to linger over several days and therefore I was able to fish it over several days.

Is this the ‘Yellow Fly’ spinner?

I have seen this spinner at this time of year, here, over the past several years. However I haven’t been here just before this time-frame and have never associated these two together before. I am rubbing my chinny chin chin wondering – is THIS (above) the spinner for the Yellow Fly?

I’ve tied something up so when these ‘come down’ I should be somewhat prepared for them. Time will tell.

In past attempts to write an entry for this blog, I had experienced the Blue Winged Olive spinner fall and wasn’t quite prepared for them. Caught a few fish and actually had caught more in the few hours before the spinner fall, than I did during the main event. Lesson learned – tie some BWOs and always have some BWO spinners in the flybox (any novice has this already ingrained in their fly fishing psyche so why am I reminding myself?)!

I have mentioned ‘net distortion’ in past entries. Well maybe the following two pictures and illustrate this point a little more clearly!

I hope ‘Net-Distortion’ can more clearly be understood by this example (but I see the images aren’t the same size – I’ll work on it and try to display a better ‘net distortion example in the future). This was a good fish and when it appears in the net, it may look as though it wasn’t as large as it really was!

The ‘release’…

One of the evenings the sky was ablaze!

Sky afire in Slate Run 6-6-2024

The Slate Drakes have been seen, I’m just not sure of their numbers as I’ve only seen a few. Still, they’re worth fishing at this time.

2024 Slate Run Slate Drake

Something worth mentioning is when I’ve been fishing these spinners – the catching and the activity really happens right at dusk. It gets a little dark for these old eyes to be trying to change flies at such time so it pays to get the fly of your choosing on before it gets too dark!

Late evening Brown

The flash in the phone went off automatically which surprised me! If you take pictures with your phone out on the stream and do not have it tethered to you, you’re asking for trouble – just sayin’. This brown above – it was getting pretty dark when I took the picture. It was the last one for the evening.

And, as usual, I ran into some of this as I catch fish here.

Ripped off lip – had to be barbed hook damage.

There have been nice evenings fishing on Pine this spring for sure!

June 9, 2024 Pine Creek near Slate Run

I’ve tried to start a post several times over the past few weeks. But then I went fishing instead! It’s been a nice spring although it did seem to rain a bit early on. Still we all hope that such a thing happening will help Pine Creek out as summer is about to start. We can only hope.

Till we see each other again, I’m UB – an unintentional blogger!

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